Types of coffee beans:
There are 3 major types of coffee beans, which you would find in your local supermarkets and grocery stores. These include Arabica beans, Robusta beans, and Excelsa (also known as Liberica) beans.
Arabica beans are the most popular type of bean out there, with nearly 75% of all coffee cups consumed made up from Arabica beans only.
Robusta Beans on the other hand is not as liked by many people because it’s typically more bitter than Arabica Beans. The Robusta Beans, however, is said to have around double the caffeine content than that found in Arabica Beans.
Excelsa or Liberica Beans is the third and last major type of coffee bean. It’s quite rare to find in many parts of the world because it’s typically grown in countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Jamaica. These beans are said to have lower caffeine content than that found in Arabica Beans which makes it somewhat less popular among consumers.
How to store your coffee beans
Coffee Beans should be stored properly away from moisture and sunlight in a clean airtight container like a jar or airtight container. This method will ensure that they remain fresh for longer periods of time without going stale or losing their flavor altogether.
It would do you well not to keep your Coffee Beans in the fridge despite them being coffee beans. The refrigerators are cold enough to get rid of the coffee beans natural oils which are necessary for giving it its unique flavor.
If you prefer having your coffee beans ground, then be sure that you only buy small quantities of ground coffee at a time so that it is fresh.
Roasting your own coffee beans at home
Roasting Coffee Beans is where things start getting interesting. It’s actually quite simple and anyone can do it by following basic instructions on how to roast your own coffee beans properly.
To achieve the perfect roasted taste, many people recommend using an oven because it’s readily available in most homes. All you need is about 15-20 minutes to get them ready. The best part would be hearing the crackling sound while you roast them and having a chance to smell the aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans.
The best brewing methods for different types of coffee
If you’re using pre-grounded coffee, then it’s best to use about two tablespoons for every six ounces of water. If you’re purchasing whole beans such as Arabica Beans or Robusta Beans, it would be good if you used one tablespoon of coffee per cup.
If you’re looking for a great cup of coffee, you don’t have to look too far. There are plenty of places where you can find coffee beans near me in Australia. In this article, we took a look at some of the best options so that you can start your day off right. Whether you’re looking for a local cafe or something more exotic, we’ve got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Start exploring and enjoy that perfect cup of joe!