3 Top Types of Tea in India

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The types of tea in India are as diverse as their climates, the way they are cultivated, and the way they are harvested. The geography of India allows for a variety of climatic conditions, resulting in the resulting teas being dramatically different from one another. In general, Indian black tea is said to be sharp, dark, and have a subtle taste. This tea tends to not be oxidized.

Green tea in India is grassy with a nutty smell. It has a refreshing effect that refreshes the mind. Like most types of tea in India, this one is light, with no bitterness. It can act as a strong antioxidant, reducing the formation of free radicals in the body. Because it is grassy, this also has lots of dietary health benefits. This type of tea leaves without milk, as it would if it were picked dry.

Types Of Tea In India

Tea in India

Oolong tea from China is long and thin with a strong grassy flavor. This tea has been widely recognized as a type of tea that boosts energy, improves immunity, and lowers blood pressure. Because it is a cross-cup tea, you have to brew the entire thing, then drink two to three cups at a time. This popular brand is made by the Keemua tea brand.

There are hundreds of varieties of Indian green teas, all with distinctive characteristics. Some are more astringent than others, while some varieties are sweeter. Darjeeling tea from Kashmiri, for instance, has a lightly ginger flavored tea with a floral flavor. Other varieties of this type of tea include Kichdi Chai Tea from Uttar Pradesh and Nepali regions of India. In Nepal, there is Darjeeling tea from Lumba.

If you are looking for a drink with a lot of flavors, forget the milk and butter tea leaves. They are overpowering. Instead, opt for the refreshingly tart and tangy flavor that the Pink Bitter Tea from Sikkim has to offer. This drink is slightly sweet but does not have a lot of milk or butter. It is made from a variety of pink grapefruit and is served hot.

A Much Ado 

Tea in India

If you are looking for a cool beverage that is delectable, then you should look no further than the tandoori. This dish is similar to the Persian raghi, which is prepared using pickled meat and spices. The tandoori of India is a spicy and sour marinade that is spread on the rotis, which are the flatbreads that Indian people use to prepare their favorite dishes. A tandoori usually contains chicken, beef, and lamb, along with different varieties of vegetables and spices.

Ginger Chai is yet another wonderful option that will satisfy even the most discerning tea enthusiast. The best way to describe a ginger chai is a creamy tea with an incredible ginger flavor. Served over ice, this beverage is served all over India, especially in northern India. The ingredients that go into making a traditional ginger chai include ginger powder, cardamom, cumin, cloves, and nutmeg. The taste of cardamom tea in India differs due to the weather, as well as the region where it was grown.

Bottom Line 

Of course, another very popular beverage in India is Kangra tea. A huge tea bag is tossed into a basin full of water and heated, which makes the tea brew strong enough to drink quickly. There are several different types of Kangra tea that are best known for their exotic flavor but must include black tea, lauki tea, and orange tea. These teas are best known for being consumed when they are young so that they retain the most flavor and aroma.

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